Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write a Detailed, Memorable Essay - The Most Important Things to Remember

How to Write a Detailed, Memorable Essay - The Most Important Things to RememberWriting a descriptive essay is difficult for some people and if you're anything like me, you probably think it is impossible to write a concise but detailed essay. The truth is that you can do it.As a writer, I find that I have to give much more attention to the details of my personal experiences than I ever would in a more written-form essay. This is true for anyone who wants to be successful at this type of writing. However, there are some guidelines to follow when you are writing a more formal kind of essay.One of the first things you should remember is that the details of your life's experiences are more important than the minutia of your academic achievements. That is because we all know that you are very proud of your accomplishments but do you want your reader to look at these accomplishments as nothing more than a collection of numbers?Second, you need to know your audience. Sure, your academic cr edentials will certainly help you with this step but it will be more important in the descriptive essay. You need to know who you are writing about so that you can be specific. If you are writing a college student or a teenager, you need to be specific about your references and make sure they fit in the context of your essay.I actually have a whole chapter devoted to this subject in my guidebook on writing a descriptive essay. I recommend that you give it a quick read before you get started with this exercise.In the next step, you need to find out what topic you are going to cover in your descriptive essay. Again, don't worry about the quality of the topic; just write about the content you already know about. Do this by writing down your understanding of the world you are writing about.Now that you have this information, you need to start putting it into a coherent structure. I suggest that you write each idea that you have in a separate paragraph. This way, when you are compiling y our essay later, you will know where you left off.Last, but not least, the most important thing you can do to get you on the right track in writing a descriptive essay is to have a good mentor to help you along the way. This person could be a close friend, a trusted professor, or even a professional editor. The important thing is that you learn from someone who is better at this type of writing than you.

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